Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Chicago Arbor Eye Institute

The Arbor Team was inspired by the words of Mr. Tom Sullivan in his recent lecture “Adventures in Darkness.” Tom Sullivan has overcome many obstacles in life and has succeeded in becoming a world renowned motivational speaker, author, composer, director and producer.

His level of success is amazing as he is “smart”, passionate and highly motivated to succeed. In addition, he happens to be blind since childhood. All present will become better people and stronger Arbor employees from some of the lessons we learned from him. “There is no fence too high to climb,” he passionately states.

Below are some of the lessons we will never forget, as he inspired each of us to be passionate about giving/saving/preserving vision today and every day while at Arbor!

Lessons learned from Tom Sullivan:

  • PRIDE = Personal Responsibility for Individual Daily Effort.
  • Be a passionate human being.
  • You never know when you will meet a mentor. Turning points in life can happen any day. Today YOU may meet somebody facing a turning point, and YOU may be the person who can change their life.
  • Want to play?
  • Turn every disadvantage into an advantage.
  • The WHOLE is a sum of its parts and greater than all of its efforts.
  • Everybody matters. Look at every human being as a remarkable creation.
  • Miracles happen when ordinary people do extraordinary things.
  • If extraordinary people can do impossible things, isn’t it reasonable to assume that ordinary people can do extraordinary things.