Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Chicago Arbor Eye Institute

In conjunction with the Illinois Association of Ophthalmology (IAO), several members of the Arbor Team went to Springfield, Illinois to advocate for our patients and our profession and to perform a vision screening at the State Capitol.  

Forty-three people (8 of them were Representatives) came to have an eye examination!  Our team of doctors found 2 patients with suspected glaucoma, and one patient with an acute contact lens tear which they successfully retrieved relieving her from pain.  

They met with several legislators and lobbyists to discuss issues important to our profession and the care of our patients.  Arbor staff was able to watch the House of Representatives in session and learn more about the legislative process in general.  

Congratulations and thank you to our Arbor Team members who participated – Drs. Albanis and Kapustiak and, Rita, Tracy P., Brittany, and Jan.