Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Chicago Arbor Eye Institute

Drs. Quinones and Albanis participated in the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s (AAO) Mid-Year Forum (MYF) and Congressional Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.  The purpose of this conference is to promote interaction and education regarding critical issues facing ophthalmologists, our patients and our employees.  Further, Advocacy Day is an opportunity for AAO members to be educated about legislative issues, and for participants to meet with members of Congress to present concerns and positions of the AAO, its members and the profession.

Dr. Albanis joined other ophthalmologists from Illinois, including the President of the AAO

Dr. Albanis joined other ophthalmologists from Illinois, including the President of the AAO (Dr. Ruth Williams) as an advocate on Capitol Hill on Thursday.  Collectively, we met with US Senator Dick Durbin, US Representative Jan Schakowsky, and various legislative aides for US Senator Mark Kirk, US Representatives Bobby Rush, Luis Gutierrez and others. 

Dr. Albanis was an invited speaker for the AAO Council opening session, speaking on “Success Through Collaboration, Working Together for the Common Good.”  The purpose was to discuss examples of collaborative efforts with the AAO, IAO and others – for example CMS – during the eye screening in Aurora.  The ultimate message – TEAM – Together, Everyone, Achieves, More.

Finally, Drs. Quinones and Albanis served as Councilors from the IAO to the AAO Council where they discussed topics of physician and patient registries, electronic medical records, telemedicine, membership issues of national and state societies, advertising in medicine, etc.

Drs. Quinones and Albanis served as Councilors from the IAO to the AAO Council

Congratulations to Drs. Quinones and Albanis for their successes in Washington, DC and for advocating for ophthalmology, the needs of our patients and our employees.  THANK YOU!