Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Dr. Lubeck directs and performs Live Surgery

“Dr. Lubeck, ready?  You are going live in 3 – 2 – 1!”  

Ready for what?  Sounds like preparations for a movie.  Well, it was the start of Dr. Lubeck’s live surgery.  The international ASCRS (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery) meeting was held in Chicago in April and Dr. Lubeck was honored to serve as the course director of the Alcon Live Surgery educational symposium.  This program is designed to help teach surgeons from around the world how to enhance their cataract surgical skills.  This unique educational experience brings together 5 world-renown surgeons who perform surgery “live” while thousands of ophthalmologists from around the world are in the audience viewing via satellite at McCormick Place.  The audience was able to listen to the surgeon talking through the microphone while performing the surgery.  An expert panel on-site moderated the surgeries and asked questions of the surgeon in real time, to help illustrate points of interest and highlight specialized techniques.

Dr. Lubeck directs and performs Live Surgery

As the course director, Dr. Lubeck had the responsibility, honor and privilege of recruiting the surgeons, panelists, and patients.  After many, many hours of hard work and endless planning, the wonderful program was presented live from the Center of Minimally Invasive Surgery.  

Special thanks to our Arbor team and patients for their support, participation and successful delivery of this educational experience.  

Congratulations to Dr. Lubeck on an amazing teaching and learning experience for all involved!