Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in Dr. Lubeck

Dr. Lubeck publishes article on red reflex stability in the November issue of Ocular Surgery News

Read the article here: Red reflex stability improves illumination

Dr. Albanis welcomes the incoming University of Chicago Pritzker Medical School student

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Dr. Albanis welcomes the incoming University of Chicago Pritzker Medical School student

Dr. Albanis welcomed the first year University of Chicago medical school students to the University in August 2013. As a former student of the medical school, current faculty member, and… read more

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in Glaucoma

Arbor doctors add an exciting technology for the treatment of glaucoma

A team of Arbor doctors is one of the first in Chicago and Illinois to offer a unique surgery to our patients for the treatment of glaucoma in combination with… read more

Arbor Begins Implementation of Electronic Health Records

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in Electronic Medical Records

Arbor Begins Implementation of Electronic Health Records

Thank you for placing your trust in us as we work to help you improve the way you see the beautiful things in our world.  Thank you also for your… read more

Congratulations and all the best to Barb on her retirement

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Congratulations and all the best to Barb on her retirement!

Definition of Barb Smith (Medical Records MP):  Hard worker Kind Empathetic Perseverant Generous Humane Angel Helpful Strong FRIEND. There are not enough words to define our Barb S.  She has… read more

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in Dr. Lubeck

Arbor Doctor Down Under

During the month of March our very own Dr.Lubeck traveled to Australia to share his knowledge. He lectured on advancement in cataract surgery, advanced technology lens choices and the newest… read more

AAO LIVE SURGERY on 11/10/2012! Featuring the LenSx® Laser

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in Dr. Lubeck

AAO LIVE SURGERY on 11/10/2012! Featuring the LenSx® Laser

Chicago area surgeon and surgery center celebrate one year of laser cataract surgery by demonstrating the latest techniques to surgeons from around the world. David M. Lubeck, M.D., a Chicago… read more

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Tom Sullivan inspires the Arbor Team with recent lecture

The Arbor Team was inspired by the words of Mr. Tom Sullivan in his recent lecture “Adventures in Darkness.” Tom Sullivan has overcome many obstacles in life and has succeeded… read more

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Drs. Quinones and Albanis Advocate in Washington, D.C.

Drs. Quinones and Albanis participated in the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s (AAO) Mid-Year Forum (MYF) and Congressional Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.  The purpose of this conference is to promote… read more

Dr. Lubeck directs and performs Live Surgery

Posted by: Chicago Arbor Eye Institute in General

Dr. Lubeck directs and performs Live Surgery

“Dr. Lubeck, ready?  You are going live in 3 – 2 – 1!”   Ready for what?  Sounds like preparations for a movie.  Well, it was the start of Dr…. read more